vendredi 17 août 2007

Learning English - Words in the News

13 August, 2007 - Published 14:29 GMT

Fidel Castro's birthday

The president of Cuba, Fidel Castro, is 81 today and for the first time in years there will be no official celebrations to mark his birthday. Mr Castro has been ill since last year when he was forced to hand over the leadership temporarily basis. This report from Simon Watts:
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When he was in good health, Fidel Castro enjoyed celebrating his birthday in public. Concerts were laid on, Cubans would wave flags at parades and children would share slices of cake. The events gave Mr Castro an image of being "father of the revolution"; his absence today is further confirmation that he's unlikely to play the same role again.
But although Fidel Castro dominated Cuban political life for nearly fifty years, his illness hasn't created a leadership vacuum. His brother, Raul - acting president now for over a year - is credited with keeping the Cuban people calm and the government united. Raul Castro has moved his supporters into key positions, while the powerful Cuban army - which he leads - has been given a bigger role in overhauling the economy.
Many analysts think the transition to a Raul Castro presidency is well underway, even though his ailing brother insists he's being consulted on the key decisions. But the real test for the survival of the Cuban system will still come when Fidel Castro dies. This could be the catalyst for bottled-up social tension, or rivalry within the government to break out, even though observers generally think Cuba is more likely to experience a slow, orderly transition to a more open system.
Simon Watts, BBC
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laid onhere, held
further confirmationyet more proof
dominatedwas the most important person, had control over Cuba
leadership vacuumwhen there is no clear leader
credited withpraised for, responsible for
overhauling the economyrestructuring and improving the economy so that every part of it works properly
well underwayevidently happening
ailingill, unfit
catalystan event or person that causes great change
bottled-upwhen a person bottles things up, they refuse to talk about things that make them angry or worried, or express their feelings/thoughts
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